Bethlehem 19 Feb. 2025 15 °C
Wind: 4.08 mph
Thu 16 °C 14 °C
Fri 23 °C 14 °C
Sat 26 °C 15 °C
Sun 24 °C 18 °C
BETHLEHEM 19 Feb. 2025 15 °C
Wind: 4.08 mph
Thu 16 °C 14 °C
Fri 23 °C 14 °C
Sat 26 °C 15 °C
Sun 24 °C 18 °C


Whether it is learning how to play a musical instrument, playing in the panflute ensemble, singing in one of the choirs, poetry, public speaking, performing in the Song Festival or discovering beauty in fine art, there are plenty of opportunities for creative expression at Truida Kestell.

Our Culture is Alive!

Our philosophy is to provide opportunities for many to participate, for the best to excel and above all to develop an appreciation for the Arts.


Truida Kestell, with its dedicated, enthusiastic staff, and its excellent facilities, is dedicated to creating opportunities for children to express themselves.


- Solo singing

- Junior choir (Gr1 - 3)

- Senior choir (Gr4 - 7)

- Recorder, piano, guitar, and drumming lessons

- Panflute ensemble

- Poetry

- Public speaking

- Choral verse

- Art lessons


Naam & Van - Name & Surname *
Kontaknommer - Contact Number *
epos - email *
Navraag - Enquiry *